ScreenSaverz is an online school for digital products. It helps individuals and companies in the tech sector to develop modern design skills. Especially those that go beyond the pixel. Learn more
Modern education
Develop professional skills in line with your personality, career stage, financial resources and available time. Our online courses are a direct reflection of real life in the tech industry.
Experience design
Learn how to translate user needs into a prototype solution and test it with them before investing in development.
Interface design
Learn how to design attractive and accessible interfaces: from visual principles to technical specifics.
Design research
Learn how to understand your users better and get useful insights for development from your first research.
Stakeholder engagement
Learn how to skillfully communicate your work and turn development co-participants into allies of design.
Design management
Learn how to lead a design team and take the first step towards integrating it into your organisation.
Technology branding
Learn how to turn a useful product into a brand that users identify with. Try it on yours.
Learn from the best
We are a team of internationally renowned designers with decades of experience in the technology industry. Our close links with companies ensure you an easy entry into the industry, up-to-date knowledge and long-term support in your career path.
Speak for themselves
I am very happy that I decided to invest in this course. It really helped me to get an overview of how the process of creating a user experience works and how to deal with it systematically.

Aljaž helped me to better understand the dynamics behind stakeholder communication. This has enabled me to speak appropriately and confidently in a variety of contexts: whether communicating my opinions or my products, within and beyond our team.

The internship has been one of the best steps I could have taken at the beginning of my career. ScreenSaverz mentors keep you running, encouraging you and helping you discover qualities you may not even known you have. Even after you complete the internship, they are always willing to listen and advise.