The designer introduces himself

Learn how to leave a convincing impression on a job interview and what role your portfolio plays in this.
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Topic of discussion

Representing yourself and your job is one of the more difficult tasks. When our career future depends on it, it's all to easy to lose our cool.

Why are recruiters also interested in sketches and prototypes, not just the finished product? How to present your collaboration with the team, successes and failures on the way to the goal, business impact and other more abstract aspects of your work? Is it better to present yourself seriously, or to exude a personal note? What does the selection and quantity of presented works say about us, before we even say a word about them? What weight do they have in the final decision of the recruiter?

We will talk to three guests about good portfolios and employment: Jure Martinec will share his take as the head of design, Ajda Marn will represent the perspective of people operations, and Miha Medven will bring it all home as an engineer who faces the same challenges in his field.

Who will be with us

Jure Martinec

Jure Martinec

Jure Martinec is a designer and technologist leading initiatives in modern product teams, and building design teams that apply new technologies to real-world problems. With more than 10 years of working abroad, as a designer in various industries at the IDEO design studio, as head of design at Arrival and currently as a founding designer at the technology company Keel, he participates in everything from initial research to the development of digital products and services.

Ajda Marn

Ajda Marn

Ajda leads people operations at 3fs, where she takes care of employees, their satisfaction and development. Her work also includes the fields of recruitment, career growth and the organisation of work. She has more than 15 years of experience working in Slovenian and foreign IT companies. She claims such companies come with a special culture, one that need a tailored approach to everyday challenges.

Miha Medven

Miha Medven

Miha Medven has been working in development of digital products for the last 10 years and helps startups design and develop their MVPs, find their product market and help them shape their place in that market. During his career he has worked with more than 60 different companies, both small Slovenian startups and large foreign multinationals.