Forge your own path

Join us for a ScreenSaverz coffee where we'll talk about career ladders in product design, how to navigate challenges and how to pave your way to success.
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Topic of discussion

Remember the game of snakes and ladders, the board game we used to play as children? If you get to the field where the ladder starts, you climb up the ladder to a higher field. If you get to the field where the snake's head is, you climb down the snake to the field where the snake's tail is.

As product designers, we can go from being a team leader in one company to being the only designer in a start-up. We feel like we've landed on the head of a snake. Then, after a year, we find ourselves in the position of head of design. How do career ladders in product design actually work? How do we make our way and how do we grow?

In the next ScreenSaverz meetup we will discuss the different things that influence designers in their career path - from company size to personal preferences. Our guest will be Mario Kovačević, design lead at Infinum.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 21.3.2023, at 9:00, via Zoom.

Who will be with us

Mario Kovačević

Mario Kovačević

Mario Kovačević is Head of Design at Infinum, where he leads designers in transforming ideas from post-it notes into digital products. He moved from graphic to digital design after completing Infinum's first-generation Design Academy course. With experience in a diverse range of digital products, he focuses on mentoring designers to reach their full potential. In his spare time, he illustrates sci-fi and fantasy themes in a variety of styles (grain effects are a must). With offices in 6 countries (from New York to Podgorica), Infinum builds digital products for clients such as Porsche, Philips, Reiffeisen, A1 Telecom, WB and others.